How AI Is Relieving Burdens on Educators

How AI Is Relieving Burdens on Educators

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Last week, I did a session on AI with some High School English teachers in New Hampshire. We had a great conversation and one thing that stood our was their perspective on what they are relieved about as educators.

Educators have welcomed the prospect of integrating artificial intelligence into education as a way to ease their workload and free up time for more enriching teaching activities. Many see AI as a tool that can take over routine administrative and planning tasks, allowing teachers to devote more energy to direct student support.

"I'm excited about how AI might help with saving time when planning lessons and units," said Ms. Mahoney, a high school English teacher. "Any way we can streamline processes behind the scenes will give me back valuable minutes to engage with students."

Beyond saving time in planning, AI also presents opportunities to enhance lesson delivery, and it's about more than Teachers Pay Teachers. As Kim McCann, a high school Assistant Principal noted, "The potential for AI to remove obstacles for all students is really promising. With personalized support tailored to individual needs, more students will experience success."

Peter G, another English teacher agreed AI could take the drudgery out of classroom activities. "If AI can handle aspects of teaching that end up feeling like chores, I can focus on truly motivating students and sparking their curiosity," he said.

Educators also see AI as a way to broaden both their own perspectives and those of their students. "Anything that gives me fresh ideas to think about and exposes me to more information and viewpoints can only help my teaching," said Lee Mannion. Nathan LaVanway echoed this sentiment, expressing excitement about how AI may help "remove barriers and open up new ways of engaging with different texts and concepts."

Overall, while AI presents uncertainties, many educators seem hopeful it can become an ally rather than a threat in education by easing burdens and making learning more accessible and personalized for all. As the capabilities of AI advance, its potential to positively impact teaching and learning appears promising.

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